Standard vs Retrofit

Stair Treads are wooden boards designed to be installed horizontally on each step and have what is referred to as a return on the banister side of the stairway. The return is a piece of the board jutting out to fit between the railing. For those who have railings on either side, we also provide double returns. These are returns on both sides. Our stair treads come in two varieties, Standard or Retrofit. Standard Stair Treads are boards that replace previous Stair Treads entirely, requiring removal of any previous Stair Treads. Standard stair treads are a full 1" thick. Retrofit Stair Treads, also known as Retreads, are made to fit over your existing stairs. Our standard Retrofit Stair Treads are 3/4" thick, with an overhang on the front edge measuring 1" thick x 1-1/4" deep.standardvsretrofit2whiteversion.png

Nosing Style

Stair Tread Nosing is the part of the stair that overhangs. It juts out from the edge of the stairs as viewed looking up the stairway. Nosing Styles add texture and form to the stairs. We offer three different styles of nosing, Bullnose, Square Edge, and Eased Edge.


bull.pngBullnose incorporates a smooth, fully rounded edge, that adds a subtle, classy look to any home. It fits well in both modern, and rustic style houses, and makes the staircase unique.

Bullnose Nosing Style does not add any additional cost.

Square Edge


This nosing style incorporates a square shape with tight edges. The structure of this style truly stands out and turns heads. 

Square Edge Nosing Style adds $10 additional cost.

Eased Edge

1/8" radius


1/4" radius


Eased Edge adds an incredibly subtle look to any stair piece. It begins like a square edge, and then rounds subtly upwards at two different radius' options, 1/8", and 1/4".

Eased Edge Nosing Style adds $10 additional cost.



  Returns are a solid stave that is nosed on one side and glued to fit along the open end of the stair tread. This allows for a very visually appealing piece even the staircase when viewed from the side. Typically a return tread is only used when pickets from the handrail directly intersect the stair tread. The side of the tread that has a return is referred to as the "open end." Right and Left returns are determined facing the stairs from the bottom.


  A Right return is a stair tread in which the tread is exposed from the right side and closed on the left. This means that it is ideal for stairs in which the handrail is on the right side.

Right returns add $20 to the cost of the treads.


 A Left return is a stair tread in which the tread is exposed from the left side and closed on the right. This means that it is ideal for stairs in which the handrail is on the left side.

Left returns add $20 to the cost of the treads.



 A Double return is a stair tread in which the tread is exposed from both sides, neither is closed. This means that it is ideal for stairs in which the handrails are on both sides.

Double returns add $40 to the cost of the treads.

Our standard stair treads and risers are made with a two to three piece glue up.